In between
porridge and toast
chicken soup, apple
ham salad, pasta1 and roast potatoes
crunchy nut cornflakes
tomato soup and bread, four biscuits
Scotch pie, chips and beans
ice cream, chocolate
crunchy nut cornflakes
ham sandwich, two biscuits
spaghetti and garlic bread, ice cream and fruit
crunchy nut cornflakes with milk
b) Listen to the comments of a dietitian and decide whose diet is presented in the above table.
>. a) Listen to the text and choose the right variant.
1. Peanut butter is...
a a thick, creamy paste. b jelly in a jar. с a sandwich.
2. The peanut is...
a a nut. b a pea. с a kind of steak.
3. Peanut butter started...
a in South America. b underground. с in 1890, in St Louise.
5. Discuss the following questions with your classmates.
1. What is the favourite children's food in your country?
2. What five foods are good for you?
3. What five foods are bad for you?
People in different parts of the world eat different foods and cook them in different ways, a) What food do you think is popular in these countries? Match the foods with the countries where they are eaten.
1. Africa
2. Britain
3. China
4. Italy
5. France
6. Germany
7. India
a. corn, rice, other grains
b. fish, onions, garlic
c. rice, curry2
d. rice, spicy fried foods with noodles3
e. rice, vegetables, raw or cooked fish
f. roast beef, Yorkshire pudding
g. sauces
1 p a s t a /'passta/ — італ. страва з макаронів (із помідорами, сиром тощо)
2 с u г г у /'клп/ — карі; страва, приправлена гострим соусом (подається з рисом) 3noodle /'nu:dl/ — звич.рі локшина