1. a) Discuss the following questions.
1. What does the word ability mean?
2. What is the meaning of the prefix dis- in the words disorder, disappear and discomfort?
3. What does the word disability mean?
4. What kinds of disabilities do some people have?
5. Why do some people have disabilities?
6. Can disabilities be cured?
b) Listen to the interview with a physician and match the words on the left with their Ukrainian equivalents on the right.
1. blind
2. deaf
3. disability
4. disabled person
5. handicapped
6. mute
7. wheelchair
a. неспроможність робити щось
b. глухий
c. людина з фізичними вадами
d. інвалідна коляска {для самостійного пересування інваліда)
e. який має вади
f. німий
g. сліпий
2. Try some experiments. Let several people take part in each of them. Then discuss how it feels to be disabled.
a. Blindfold a person. Put some everyday objects on the table in front of them. Let them guess the objects by touching them.
b. Blindfold a person. Drop some everyday object on the table. Let them guess the objects by the sounds they make when they fall on the table.
c. Blindfold a person. Let them taste different foods and guess what they are just by taste.
d. Blindfold a person. Let them guess several objects (foods etc.) by their smell.
e. Make a person put their hands over their ears. Tell a story in a very low voice (whisper). Let the "deaf" person follow it.
3. Look at the list of activities in which disabled people may have problems. What disabilities may be reasons of such problems?
getting dressed and undressed
9. getting on and off the bus
using the telephone
10. reading books
watching TV
11. taking things
getting to places
12. writing
going shopping
13. remembering things
14. exercising
15. crossing the street
16. listening to music
4. Look at the picture and find all places where a disabled person may have problems.