1. Why do children play with toys?
2. Can a toy teach a child anything? Does every toy do that?
3. What are the toys in the pictures for?
4. Do you have a favourite toy? Why is it your favourite?
3. a) Listen to what some adults say about things they would hate to be without. Complete the table in the WB.
b) Discuss the following questions.
1. Why do people like some things more than others?
2. Is the price of the thing important?
3. Is it important how old the thing is?
4. What makes those things special?
4. Make your own list of five things you'd hate to be without (for example, furniture and ornaments, machines and technology, things of sentimental value, useful everyday objects, CDs or books, photos, clothes, jewelry). Describe them. Mention some or all of the following:
• what the object is • what you use it for
• where/how/when you got it • why it is important to you
• what you can say about its • what stories or memories are colour, size, etc. associated with it