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5. Analyse the sentences in the box and answer the questions.
Both exercise and diet are important for keeping fit. Neither too much salt, nor too much sugar is good for you. If you are coughing take either cough pills or cough syrup.
• Which of the expressions in bold type put two ideas together? • Which of them separates two ideas? • When do we use neither ... nor, either ...or and both ... and? Try to for­mulate a rule. (See Grammar Reference, §5.) 8. Look through the table and make up sentences. E. g. Both pills and powder can cure a headache. Neither injection nor pills can cure a broken arm.
Pills Drops Mixture Injection Bandage Sticking plaster Plaster Powder
headache X X X X
stomachache X *> X X X
earache «/ X </ X X X X
backache X X Vі X X X X
sore throat X X X X X X
sore eye X X X X X X X
broken arm X X X X X X X
cut finger X X X X X X
11 Test Yourself!
Read the text. There's a mistake in every line. Find the mistake and correct it (in your copybook). Get one point for each correct answer. Why Did the Little Dog Die? Once Mrs Reed decided to invite her friends for dinner and a gaime 1 of cards. She was thinking what special dich to prepare for dinner, when 2 her servant said that there was a man at the back door seling mushrooms. 3 The laidy, followed by the little terrier, came down to the kitchen and found 4 there a stranger with a basket over his arm. The lady payed the money at 5 wonce. While the servant was emptying the basket, she dropped a mush- 6 room and the terrier eat it. 7


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