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Things We Can't Live Without
I a) Read. In your copybook, put the paragraphs in the correct order (16). A. In 1990s, VCRs started to be replaced with DVD players. They play back films, concerts and other things recorded on special discs. This new tech­nology gives a much better picture and sound. B. A person watched through a hole in the box as the film moved inside. C. Videocassette recorders (VCRs) were first used during the 1970s. They recorded visual images and sound on magnetic tape and played them back on television sets. D. Kinetoscopes were soon replaced by projection machines that showed enlarged pictures on a screen. With these new machines many people could watch a film at the same time. E. At first VCRs were mostly used in schools. But later they were used to watch movies in every home. F. In 1893, Edison's company presented the first commercial motion-picture machine. They called this machine the kinetoscope. It was a box snowing black-and-white films running about 90 seconds.
b) Look at the pictures and say which of these machines are mentioned in the above text. Answer the questions.


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